Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Tugas - Bahasa Inggris - Drs. Raharjo




When we communicate with friends or foreign people , sometimes we change our experience with each other. We share experience with them.

When you want to ask for an opinion from your friend about  certain product or culture or specia thing. These sentence can be used.

What is your opinion about …..

What do you think of …..?

What is your opinion about corruption?

What is your opinion about phenomena of speeding with motor cycle?

What do your think about this  handphone?  

When we want to give an opinion to things (benda konkrit) , such as : uniform ,  video clip, food, pudding, dresses, brownish, bread, cookiesrm, drinks, meatball, gudheg, usually we use Adjectives such as : Good, Nice, delicious, tasteful , excellent, splendid, extra ordinary, Top, wonderful, fantastic.

Meanwhile, when we want to give an opinion to obstract things (benda abstrak) usually we use Adjectives such as : personalities, flight, journey, character, Hotel service, stories, attitudes, musics arrangement,  scenario of film, education.

SWe use many expression and sometimes sentences as comments. Sometimes it’s difficult to use one adjectives . If this happens we can use sentences to describe it.

      What do you think of that picture?

      I think it is nice.

      What do you think of this aircraft?

      I have an opinion that this airplane is modern

      I think the story is boring

Giving an opinion when making a visit to Jakarta?


Try to ask an opinion about these things !

1)    What do you think of these crackers?

2)    Crackers --- sweet

3)    Mayasi Bean ---- delicious

4)    What do you think of Bakso Pak Ratno ( meatball)?

5)    Reading text

Give an opinion about these things !


What do you think of your picnic to Yogya?

Wow I can’t describe it. It’s so marvelous. You can see the beautiful art works, we can taste the traditional food like Gudheg and nasi pecel, lothek. You can also enjoy the Javanesse gamelan musics and Serimpi dance.

1.     Education in boarding school

2.     Discipline attitude  of Japanese people.

3.     The welcoming speech from the headmaster

4.     The polite behavior of hotel receptionist




TUGAS  No. 2

Instruction Give your opinion to these products?

What is your opinion about these things?

1)    Nasi Kucing

2)    VARIO motor cycle

3)    OREO biscuits

4)    EAGLE shoes

5)    ASUS Laptop

TUGAS  No. 2 B.

What is your opinion about these cases? Explain!

1)    Journey to Bali

2)    Holiday during Idhul Fitri 2016

3)    Camping experience

4)    Tour to Jogya

5)    Afternoon Traffic in Jakarta

6)    Many students like to browsing internet with their HP

Translate into English !

No. 1.

Kemarin kamu ke Bali?

Ya saya kesana dalam rangka TOUR.

Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang Pantai Kuta?

Menurut saya pantainya agak Kotor bahkan kumuh.  Orang bebas membuang sampah tanpa ada larangan  membuang bungkus makanan di sekitar pantai.


No 2

Pernahkan anda pergi ke Dieng?                                                                                               Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang pegunungan di kanan kiri jalan yang  terkesan tandus karena tak banyak tanaman keras?

Saya kira orang orang disana belum sadar tentang perlunya menjaga kelestarian alam  dengan menanam tanaman keras di Pegunungan.  



1.     Untuk pengumpulan tugas dapat dilakukan dengan  memasukkan kertas tugas di amplop dan ditulisi kelas XI jurusan AK atau AP . Tugas Nomor 1 dikumpulkan di Minggu ke 2 dan Tugas No 2 dikumpulkan di minggu ke 4 bulan September 2016  . Tugas tugas diserahkan  di meja kerja Pak Joseph.

2.     Untuk siswa yang Prakerin di luar kota, Tugas tugas diluar kota bisa dikirim melalui e-mail dari tiap Lokasi  Prakerin  dengan ketentuan sbb :

a)     Ketua regu mengirim e-mail ke Guru B. Inggris ( e-mail address : joseph 1957.2014@ . Diberi kalimat pengantar dan Kelas dan Jurusan , Nama anggota grup siswa Prakerin, Nomor absen.  

b)    Tugas tugas di simpan di satu file MS word dan dikirim sebagai lampiran.

c)     Dalam satu file terdiri atas 2 sampai 4 lembar kerja dari masing masing anak  di Lokasi prakerin tersebut.





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